Monday, November 16, 2015

10 Power point, data collection, and blogs

     This weeks assignment was to create an interactive power point. I chose to make  a game for my future kindergarten class. The game I made would allow them to review the basics on adding and subtracting. I enjoyed making this power point because I have played similar games in my classes in high school and even in college. The only thing is that I never knew how they were made. I always just assumed that the teacher or professor just had an application where they put in the information and it automatically generated a jeopardy game. I didn't know that they had to go through and edit an entire power point for a review. I found this assignment really fun. Power point does not give me issues with formatting like word does. When I run into formatting problems in word it always makes me feel discouraged and frustrated. If that occurs then I end up just mentally giving up on an assignment because I know it will not be as good as I know it could be. I definitely could see using this in my future career. I find it fun to make and I am sure my students would find it fun to do. It would get them interacting with each other. I could even put them into teams. That way they would have to collaborate and discuss their answers with each other then finally decide as a group what they think the correct answer should be.


     Data collection can be used in many different jobs. In education it is extremely helpful with keeping track of grades. I believe I would use excel to keep track of my grades. I would be using this for my kindergarten class. With teaching kindergarten it means that I would have to have grades for all subject areas. That is a lot of grades for a class of 18-22, but with excel I could have one document with different sheets. Each sheet of my document would be a different subject. Of course I would still keep a paper copy of my grades because I would be paranoid that my computer would crash and I'd end up losing all of my grades or that I would make a mistake entering them in the computer.
     I really like that we started taking time to read others blogs during class. If we did not do that I probably would not have the time to go and read them. Usually I just click on whoever had their blog done for class that day and read their blogs but today was different. Today we went to each others blogs to take surveys and gather data from one another. In this process I enjoyed seeing everyone's home pages. Everyone had customized the background of their blogs. Reading each others blogs shows how everyone would take the specific blog criteria and put their own spin on it, but looking at the backgrounds of everyone's blogs showed everyone's individuality. Another time I really enjoyed looking at the blogs was when we all chose different videos to show proper power point techniques. I specifically liked Jessica's mainly because of how she named it. After looking at it I enjoyed it even more because it helped me with an aspect of power point that I struggle with. I always feel like I should be conservative with animation because I do not want it to look cheesy buy without I figured it looked boring. Here post about "Getting Steamy" helped me see different techniques to give a new look to my power points.
     There really is not any technology that I would like to learn about next. I really would just like to take what we have talked about, read about, and used and continue to learn more and use it more. That way I feel confident in my abilities with it. I really would enjoy going more in depth in learning about blogs and class websites because I really would enjoy using them in my class. When it comes to technology sometimes it does not work the same from a mac to a PC. I would like to learn about everything on both a PC and a mac that way I would feel confident no matter what kind of computer I am on.
     I would achieve my future technology related goals by looking into more technology classes or by showing more interest in technology that I don't know how to use and watching videos on YouTube or webinars and learning how to use it rather than just ignoring it or learning just what I need to know to get by.

1 comment:

  1. What a positive spirit you are! No matter the tech topic, you have something useful to say. I like your comparison between Mac and PC. I learned everything on PC. Then I switched to mac. Personally, I think this transition is the best way to go because some things are more complicated on a Mac... but a simple Google search will tell you what to do. And when you get frustrated because a PC just won't do what you want, (filter a movie, etc), go Mac. Still, your PC skills will make you successful.
