Tuesday, November 10, 2015

9 Flipped classroom, professional development and a series of unfortunate events

     A flipped classroom  is a model used in not in K-12 but also in secondary education. The students in these classrooms have there students listen to videos about there homework before they come to class, what used be done in class and is now done at home. The idea of doing what used to be done in class now taking place at home is how the idea gets its name as being a flipped classroom. This website shows different resources that are available for a flipped classroom as well as instructions on becoming a flipped classroom.

     A great web based resource for professional development in education would be a blog. Blogs are a great source for teachers to use with professional development because other teachers can get input from other schools and see how each school handles professional development. That way they could use different tools and activities to make theirs better.

     This blog is for teachers and is supposed to be on different professional development ideas. The teachers respond back to the different topics and stories posted giving their take and how they handle them in their own schools.

     This week our assignment was to create a power point on a lesson we would teach for class. I chose to do a lesson for kindergarten on the beginnings of economics. Of course they would not completely understand the idea of economics and how our country uses it but its just a small overview of the things they already know, trying to have them make the connections between the two. I really enjoyed this assignment. I did not seem to have problems with figuring out all the parts that needed to be in the power point I did on the other hand have problems with my computer. My plan was to start my project during the week and finish it on the bus ride to Clemson. This part of the plan did happen. The part that did not was that on Sunday we were headed back from the trip and it was pouring rain. Around 20 minutes into the trip the roof began leaking, not just a little drop here and there, a steady stream of water. This happened the entire five hour trip back. Needless to say I enjoy power point but I will never plan to work on it on the bus ride ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Following the blogs of other professionals is a great method of professional development. I recommend a program to keep the updated blog posts in one place, like an RSS feed or Hootsuite.
