Monday, October 5, 2015

4 Standards and the internet

  • Standard:  MAFS.K.G.1.1
  • The web based resource can be found under resources. I chose the Video/Audio/Animation resource because it would allow the child to learn about describing objects in the environment but in a fun upbeat way as well as tie into chapter 8 and Animation and 3D Programs.
  • The Tools that I would use would be Animation and 3D programs as well as educational games. I believe that both of these would offer the students an interesting way to learn since children are now growing up with video games and animation all around them, Why not use it and make them think that they are not learning when they really are. 
  • Students could play the educational games together so that they would learn problem solving not only from working by themselves but also through working with a group. I believe that the teaching strategies or presentation and reinforcement are used with educational games. I is presented to the students in a way that is familiar to them and gives reinforcement to skills they are learning through the standards. 
I strongly support the idea of using the internet to support student research. I research on the internet almost on a daily basis whether for articles for classes or for a current event that I wanted to know more about. Though I personally use the internet for my research everyday sometimes I wish i had the skills to know how to do research without it. With the generation I am in coming through school we were getting all the new technology so there was a big demand for us to learn how to use it. I feel like we learned more on how to do it all of our searches through the internet instead of the old fashioned way. I do not believe that there is a right time and a wrong time to use the internet for student research but i do believe that students should be taught and know how to collect research the 'old fashioned way' because I do not and I wish that I did.

In the past I would always just pull up a search engine and type in my question word for word. I never gave it much thought to how the database would use all of the words that I gave it. I honestly did not know any of the short cuts when searching google until the past two weeks. Not only has my Educational Technology class been talking about how to search for stuff and what to type in but also in my English class we went to the library and had a lecture on how to search the library database for our research paper. I never understood this much about searching for topics or doing research. I have taken online classes where the teachers utilized open content and had everything that we needed to download on a website for free.

I learned new skills with the web hunt. It interesting typing in different combinations of words trying to get the search result I wanted or websites that I needed. It was frustrating at times when i would try so many different options and still never really got a website that I really wanted. I knew there were better ones but just couldn't think of the right way to type it in to google to find it.

Web Hunt Challenge:
1. Find a website that would give an audio to a children's book. What Anchor standard does this address?
2. Your class wants to connect with other classes not at their school. Is there a website that would allow them to? What Standard would this be?

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't able to try your recommended site because its not directly linked in your blog, (and you only provided the standard number without the verbiage).

    But you are right. Students need to know how to use a library. The old-fashioned way is a card catalog. I DON'T recommend that :)
